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Mailchimp vs HubSpot

Marketing Hub is an easy and powerful marketing software that connects without complexity, powers productivity with easy-to-adopt tools, and supports growing marketing teams.

Get started with Marketing Hub today!


HubSpot is a cloud-based customer platform that helps scaling businesses grow better with sales, service, marketing, and content management software.

Marketing Hub is an all-on-one marketing platform that enables you to reach the right target audience, increase conversions of visitors to customers, and execute large-scale inbound marketing campaigns effortlessly, all within a powerful, and user-friendly platform.


Mailchimp is a marketing automation platform and email marketing service that allows users to create, send, and track email campaigns.

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Key Capabilities of Marketing Hub

  • Stay Engaged: Drive revenue with high-quality leads.

  • Drive Productivity: Save time and resources with efficiencies that scale.

  • Empower Connections: Measure and optimize marketing investments with strategic reporting.

  • AI Content Assistance: Create AI-powered content, all in one place.

What Sets HubSpot Apart

Stay Engaged

What Mailchimp Offers:

  • Mailchimp, an email marketing service and marketing automation platform, helps businesses keep their customers engaged through a combination of tools and strategies.
  • Mailchimp provides a variety of pre-built templates to create custom emails. Templates typically require customization to make them more appealing and captivate your audience.

What Sets HubSpot Apart:

  • Marketing Hub provides you the functionality to create hyper-relevant customer experiences, deliver authenticity and empathy at scale, and drive revenue with high-quality leads that turn into captivated customers.
  • Generate new leads with email, landing pages, forms, and ads—and use segmentation tools to do it at the right place and time.
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Marketing Hub customers see their email click-through rate increase 121% on average after 12 months. (Hubspot Annual ROI Report)

Drive Productivity

What Mailchimp Offers:

  • Mailchimp offers marketing automation tools that enable users to streamline their marketing workflows. Users can create automated email campaigns that trigger based on specific actions or conditions.
  • Mailchimp’s advanced-scheduling software is an add-on that allows you to create one-on-one or group services that include customizable descriptions, location, and availability options.

What Sets HubSpot Apart:

  • Marketing Hub helps you align your operations and stay in control at scale. And when you’re operating efficiently, your customers feel it, too — you get more done with less, and they get a timely, consistent experience.
  • Use campaign management as your control  center for creating multi-channel customer  experiences, and scale engagement across  touchpoints with custom automation.
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Marketing Hub customers take an average of 51 days to activate Marketing Hub. (Hubspot Annual ROI Report)

Empower Connections

What Mailchimp Offers:

  • Through segmentation, Mailchimp enables you to tailor your email campaigns to suit customer preferences and behavior. By segmenting your audience, you can target specific customer groups with relevant content.
  • Reporting in Mailchimp allows you to understand how people are engaging with your email marketing. To compare campaign data, users must upgrade to Standard or higher plans.

What Sets HubSpot Apart:

  • Marketing Hub Enterprise gives you advanced reporting tools like multi-touch revenue attribution and customer journey analytics to help you optimize the customer experience.
  • HubSpot makes it easy for you to understand the data and make the necessary changes to easily prove you're meeting your goals with reporting dashboards. Make strategic decisions that optimize your marketing with web traffic analytics and campaign reporting.
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Marketing Hub customers see an average increase of 113% in traffic to their websites after 12 months. (Hubspot Annual ROI Report)

AI Capabilities

What Mailchimp Offers:

  • Email Content Generator is a tool that helps marketers create personalized email marketing campaigns.
  • When using the generator, customers are given three options of copy to choose from that match their industry, marketing intent, and tone of voice.

What Sets HubSpot Apart:

  • HubSpot Content Assistant uses artificial intelligence to suggest topics, headlines, and even complete sentences. You can use Content Assistant to create blog posts, landing pages, emails, and more.
  • Campaign Assistant helps you generate copy for landing pages, emails, or ads in just a few clicks so you can focus on tasks that need a human touch. Create and share  AI-powered content, all in one place.

Feature Comparison

Feature HubSpot Mailchimp
Base License
Marketing Hub Professional
Mailchimp Premium
Email Marketing
Deliverability Monitoring
A/B Testing
Email Analytics
Workflow & Approval Automation
Ad Management

Limited Tools

SEO Tools
Multi-Channel Marketing Campaigns
Subject Line Helper
Dynamic Content
Contact Create Attribution
Conversational Bots
Reporting Dashboards
Account Based Marketing
Get a demo

Total Cost of Ownership


Marketing Hub is powerful and easy-to-use: it’s customizable without being complicated, empowering instead of overpowering. Marketing Hub makes it possible to power deep customer connections with ease.

  • Implementation: The average time to activation for Marketing Hub Professional is around 2 months and 77% of Marketing Hub Professional customers display high feature usage (source).
  • Marketing Hub customers see their email click-through rate increase 121% on average after 12 months. (source)
  • Service & Support: HubSpot provides different support channels depending upon your subscription, all included.


Mailchimp’s pricing is straightforward. However, Mailchimp’s features are predominantly limited to email marketing and fundamental marketing automation.

Base License
Marketing Hub Professional
Mailchimp Premium
Service & Support
Phone, Chat & Email support included
Phone, Chat & Email support included
Training & Educational Resources
HubSpot Academy, Community
Videos & Tutorials
Not Required
Not included
Customization / Configuration
Easy to customize & configure in-house
Easy to customize & configure
Developer Support
App Marketplace
App Marketplace
Maintenance / Admin
Enjoy a seamless platform built on one code base
Admin not required
Low-code platform

1 admin
Talk to Sales

Calculate Your ROI with HubSpot

Calculate the return on investment (ROI) you could experience with HubSpot products using our free and easy-to-use ROI Calculator. You can also calculate the total cost of ownership (TCO) of your HubSpot software based on aggregated data from 177,000+ HubSpot customers globally.

Marketing Software That Grows With You

Start with free tools and upgrade as you grow, or hit the ground running with one of our premium editions.

What are customers saying?

HubSpot Marketing Hub received G2's top 100 Best Software Products & Highest Satisfaction Products 2023.
HubSpot was recognized as a leader on Gartner's 2022 B2B Marketing Automation Magic Quadrant.

HubSpot CRM is very import friendly, so bringing in data from MailChimp, and even our proprietary system, wasn’t that hard. We migrated about 15,000 contacts from other platforms and, after a few tests, we were confident to proceed. It only took a day or two.

Nathan Bliss

Chief Sales Officer

Kinsta; Previously used Mailchimp

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Related Resources

If you’re interested in Marketing tools, these may be helpful.

Comparison Library

Picking software to run your business is not a decision you make lightly. We’re here to make it easier.


App Ecosystem

Check out the hundreds of marketing apps and integrations you can use with HubSpot, including Mailchimp.


Free Email Marketing Tools

Create, personalize, and optimize your marketing emails without waiting on designers or IT.

Attract More Customers with HubSpot today!

Use HubSpot Marketing Hub to stay engaged, drive productivity and empower connections with your customers today.